This API documentation is automatically generated.

Full API

GET /dev/elastic/set/dolphins

Create and load dolphins index

GET /dev/neo/set/dolphins

Drop database and upload dolphins JSON data into Neo4j

Get documents containinga single dolphin by id and label

GET /dev/elastic/reset

Drop database

GET /dev/elastic/seed

Get documents containing a single dolphin by id and label

GET /dev/neo/fullgraph

Get JSON representing full graph

GET /dev/neo/reset

Drop database

GET /configuration/synaptic-scout

Get JSON config for synaptic-scout


Get JSON representing endpoints

GET /dev/neo/subgraph/(string: central_node_id)

Get JSON representing subgraph centered on a single node

GET /explore/subgraph/(string: central_node_id)

Get JSON representing subgraph centered on a single node